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6/6 The final touch

6/6 The final touch

The last little details, the last little steps before the end. I love the assembly steps but the satisfaction of seeing the accessory completed is such a feeling. A mixture of satisfaction, pride, a feeling of "mission accomplished".

It's hard to say exactly when I'm going to experience this feeling as it changes timing depending on the situation. For some bags that are more difficult to make and where the margin of error is very small, this is when assembly is complete. For other accessories, that's when I put the cardboard label with the style's name on it. But in between, there are still plenty of micro steps to finalize the whole thing; install the last rivets, make sure that all the threads are burnt, that all the seams are well sewn and that all the rivets are correctly installed, clean the accessory of all the small fibers of fabric and leather, clean the smudges of dyes and attach shoulder straps if necessary.

From the first cut to hooking up the label, I apply myself to putting as much effort, thoroughness and rigor on each gesture. I only do small series, which allows me to easily keep control over the quality and reduce overstock at the end of the seasons. And when a customer becomes a bag owner, she knows there will only be a few that will look like her's.

I'm a curious person, I like to understand the why, the how. I wrote this series of texts for people like me, the curious who want to understand how a leather accessory is made, why I made such and such a choice. And also to help ask the right questions to better choose a quality accessory.

Read the other parts of the series:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

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